Syngenta Seeds announced today that it has completed the acquisition of Sensako
Syngenta Seeds announced today that it has completed the acquisition of Sensako, a South African seed company specializing in cereals.
Sensako is a leading R&D seeds company with roots going back to 1958. It has a strong wheat market position in South Africa with additional sales in Namibia, Zambia and Lesotho. The acquisition will lay the foundation for growth and help accelerate Syngenta Seeds’ entry into the South African seeds market in wheat, corn and sunflower.
“We’re excited to connect Sensako’s talented team with our growing global seeds business,” said Jeff Rowe, President Syngenta Seeds. “This strategic investment opens the door for us to bring more choice, innovation and technology to help growers thrive in the region. Most importantly, we’ll have the opportunity to bring our leading Viptera trait technology to growers to address the permanent, rapidly spreading threat of Fall Armyworm in South Africa.”
Sensako is currently a distributor for Syngenta’s sunflower seeds. Syngenta Seeds also sells vegetable seeds in South Africa, and Syngenta Crop Protection is a major player in that market.
“Thanks to the strong Sensako brand, Syngenta Seeds is able to enter the wheat market in South Africa as a market leader,” said Gaël Hili, Regional Director for Europe, Africa and Middle East (EAME) Seeds. “With our leading global germplasm pool, and Sensako’s existing breeding programs and experienced R&D leadership in Africa, we also have a significant growth opportunity in core crops – corn, sunflower and soy.”
Patrick Graham, Commercial Director for Sensako added: “Since assuming ownership over Sensako in 2008, our core focus has been on benefiting grain producers and processors with our proven genetics and solid research platforms. In Syngenta, I am sure that we have a partner with similar values. Syngenta’s extensive experience, technology and knowhow in the seed arena together with the platform and assets that Sensako offers will be of tremendous value and benefit to South African agriculture.”
Dr. Francois Koekemoer, Director Research & Development for Sensako expressed: “I am very excited and looking forward to be actively involved in incorporating the technology and access to germplasm sources into South African backgrounds which Syngenta has to offer. This combined effort will provide tremendous value to the Southern African producers.”
For more information on Syngenta’s Seeds business, please visit For more information on Sensako, please visit
About Syngenta
Syngenta is one of the world’s leading agriculture companies. Our ambition is to help safely feed the world while taking care of the planet. We aim to improve the sustainability, quality and safety of agriculture with world class science and innovative crop solutions. Our technologies enable millions of farmers around the world to make better use of limited agricultural resources. With 28,000 people in more than 90 countries we are working to transform how crops are grown. Through partnerships, collaboration and The Good Growth Plan we are committed to improving farm productivity, rescuing land from degradation, enhancing biodiversity and revitalizing rural communities. To learn more visit and
Syngenta Seeds het vandag aangekondig dat die transaksie om Sensako, ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse saadmaatskappy wat in graan spesialiseer, te bekom, afgehandel is.
Sensako is ‘n toonaangewende N&O (navorsing en ontwikkeling) saadmaatskappy wat sedert 1958 bestaan. Dit het ‘n sterk posisie in die koringmark in Suid-Afrika, met bykomende verkope in Namibië, Zambië en Lesotho. Die transaksie lê die grondslag vir groei en sal help om Syngenta Seeds se toetrede tot die Suid-Afrikaanse saadmark in koring, mielies en sonneblom te versnel.
“Dit is opwindend om Sensako se talentvolle span by ons groeiende wêreldwye saadbesigheid in te skakel,” sê Jeff Rowe, President Syngenta Seeds. “Hierdie strategiese belegging maak dit vir ons moontlik om meer opsies, innovasie en tegnologie aan produsente in die streek te bied en hulle sodoende te help floreer. Belangrikste van alles is dat ons die geleentheid sal hê om ons toonaangewende Viptera-eienskaptegnologie vir produsente aan te bied om die permanente en vinnig verspreidende bedreiging wat herfskommandowurm in Suid-Afrika inhou, aan te spreek.”
Sensako is tans ‘n verspreider van Syngenta se sonneblomsaad. Syngenta Seeds verkoop ook groentesade in Suid-Afrika, terwyl Syngenta Oesbeskerming ‘n hoofspeler in sy mark is.
“Danksy die sterk Sensako handelsmerk, kan Syngenta Seeds die koringmark in Suid-Afrika as ‘n markleier betree,” sê Gaël Hili, Streeksdirekteur vir Europa, Afrika en Midde-Ooste (EAMO) Seeds. “Met ons voorloper kiemplasmapoel en Sensako se bestaande teelprogramme en ervare N&O leierskorps in Afrika, het ons ook ‘n beduidende groeigeleentheid in kerngewasse – mielies en sonneblom.”
Patrick Graham, Kommersiële Direkteur van Sensako, noem dat Sensako daarop fokus om graanprodusente en –verwerkers te bevoordeel met sy bewese genetika en soliede navorsingsplatforms. “Ek glo dat ons in Syngenta ‘n vennoot met dieselfde waardes het,” sê hy. “Syngenta se omvattende ervaring, tegnologie en kundigheid in die saad-arena, saam met die platform en bates wat Sensako bied, sal van geweldige waarde en voordeel vir Suid-Afrikaanse landbou wees.”
Dr. Francois Koekemoer, N&O Direkteur van Sensako, verwoord sy opwinding oor die verwikkeling. “Ek sien daarna uit om aktief betrokke te wees in die proses om Syngenta se tegnologie en kiemplasmabronne in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks te inkorporeer. Hierdie gesamentlike poging sal ontsaglike waarde vir produsente in Suider-Afrika bring.”
Vir meer inligting oor die Syngenta Seeds besigheid, besoek gerus Vir meer inligting oor die Sensako, besoek gerus
Oor Syngenta
Syngenta is een van die wêreld se voorste landboumaatskappye. Ons streef daarna om die wêreld veilig kos te gee en terselfdertyd na die planeet om te sien. Ons doelwit is om die volhoubaarheid, gehalte en veiligheid van landbou met wêreldklas wetenskap en innoverende gewasoplossings te verbeter. Ons tegnologieë stel miljoene boere regoor die wêreld in staat om beter gebruik te maak van beperkte landbouhulpbronne. Met 28,000 mense in meer as 90 lande, is ons hard besig om die wyse waarop gewasse verbou word, te herskep. Deur vennootskappe, samewerking en die Good Growth Plan, is ons verbind daartoe om plaasproduktiwiteit te verhoog, grond van agteruitgang te red, biodiversiteit te verbeter en nuwe lewe in landelike gemeenskappe te blaas. Om meer te wete te kom, besoek en
Contact Information
Media Relations Central Line
+41 61 323 23 23
Jason Sparks
Global Seeds Communications Lead
+1 224.760.8403